FLOWER STAND (pre-orders)

FLOWER STAND (pre-orders)

from $15.00

May Flower Stand Dates/Times

May 4th, 9am-dusk

May 25th, 9am-dusk

We only sell the flowers that we grow using organic practices here on our farm. If you want to stop by our flower stand and purchase more than 2 bouquets, we would appreciate your pre-orders, it helps us predict traffic for that day!

Choose from:

  • $35 deluxe bouquet wrapped in tissue paper and kraft paper

  • $20 medium paper-wrapped bouquet

  • $15 small bouquet

If you pre-order your bouquet here, when you arrive you will find your bouquet with your name on it and it will say “reserved”. If you would like to add on any other items such as graphic tees, fresh eggs, or plants/seedlings there will be an option for that at our flower stand to purchase those items.

We take Venmo, cash, or Foothills cash at our flower stand. Thank you!

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