Our little girl is 7!
This time seven years ago, we were living in Los Angeles and Sarah was in the midst of some pretty heavy labor with our first daughter, Kyla. As of tomorrow morning, our little girl will be seven years old! I can hardly believe how fast the time has flown since her sixth birthday! This has been an incredible year and we are so incredibly proud of Kyla. She started the first grade, lost several teeth, perfected the art of climbing a tree, learned how to ride a bike, greatly improved her drawing and painting skills, got her ears pierced, and she is above all else an amazing big sister. Kyla, keep on living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment! We can't wait to see what year seven will bring...just slow this whole growing up thing down a bit, would you? We love you! Here are a few fun pictures from the past year that capture her love for life!