We're back!

Life is a balancing act. Especially when you're balancing a family of 5 with running a business! Once we returned from France at the end of July, we hopped right back into a busy fall wedding season, the girls started school, and our son started walking. We had a decision to make: keep up with our blog entries and miss out on a lot of life or skip out on the blog and get a few more things done. Every blog entry written meant time that could have been spent saving our toddling son from climbing onto the table or falling from the top bunk, helping our oldest daughter learn to knit, helping our second daughter care for her beloved doll Cara, editing photos, harvesting veggies from the garden throughout the fall, raking leaves, and many of the other parts of life that call for our time. So the blog was neglected. But we're back and we cannot wait to share six weddings, three engagement sessions, a senior portrait session, some wedding album designs and some personal photos in the coming weeks! We'll also be doing some year-in-review posts sharing our favorite images from 2011. So get ready for some updates and hopefully we'll be able to get some more posts up here in the coming weeks. But for now, here's a cute picture of our girls to keep you happy!

PS - Did anyone else feel like 2011 flew by at lightning speed, or was is just me?

PPS - We are knee deep in gardening and chicken-raising books around here! Oh yes, the Davis homestead is taking shape - more to come on that in the coming months.